Another Liebherr in the Valley

The Liebherr LR 634 hard at work

The Liebherr LR 634 hard at work

The Liebherr LR 634 hard at work

Over the past four years Maitland City Council had considerations with the life expectancy of its landfill: predominantly due to the site reaching its capacity, factoring a growing Local Government Area population and compaction issues, the Mount Vincent waste landfill site had only two years life left.

The existing machinery at the landfill site was due for replacement. However, with a suspected two years life, purchasing a track loader and compactor simply was not financially viable. The Council required a machine that could compact and move the waste while still proving to be a versatile useful machine for Council at the end of the landfill life, and is able to adapt.to service in the new proposed waste transfer station.

Liebherr worked closely with Council analyzing the data and the possible future uses and capacities for a machine to find the best possible outcome. Given the high compaction rates with low running costs and versatility, the Liebherr LR 634 Crawler Loader became Council’s desired choice for the landfill and future-proofing the purchase going into the new transfer station; Council has provided feedback stating superior quality of the Liebherr machine, and the excellent service by Liebherr-Australia.