Andrew Esquilant inducted into CICA Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Board Member of Liebherr-Australia, Andrew Esquilant, for his induction into the Crane Industry Council of Australia’s Hall of Fame.
Andrew has dedicated the last 25 years to the crane industry in Australia, beginning as a dogman at Morrow Equipment and working his way up to the rigging, erecting and dismantling team and eventually to a sales position. In 2010 Liebherr-Australia welcomed Andrew to the team as the National Sales Manager for Mobile Cranes. Andrew is now a member of the Board of Management for Liebherr-Australia, and 2019 will be his 10th year as a Board Director for CICA.
Andrew was humbled by the experience of receiving this honour saying, “Induction into the Hall of Fame is a privilege, I was completely shocked as the award was totally unexpected. You don’t do this stuff to get awards, you do it because you’ve got a passion. This year was my 18th conference and I clearly remember my first one on the Gold Coast. I knew no one, and all these names were getting banded around and here I am 18 years later and my name is getting banded around with them. That makes me feel very privileged.”
From all at Liebherr-Australia, congratulations to Andrew for this well-deserved honour.