Andrew Esquilant inducted into CICA Hall of Fame

Andrew receiving his CICA Hall of Fame award from John Gillespie.

Andrew receiving his CICA Hall of Fame award from John Gillespie.

Andrew receiving his CICA Hall of Fame award from John Gillespie.

Congratulations to Board Member of Liebherr-Australia, Andrew Esquilant, for his induction into the Crane Industry Council of Australia’s Hall of Fame.

Andrew has dedicated the last 25 years to the crane industry in Australia, beginning as a dogman at Morrow Equipment and working his way up to the rigging, erecting and dismantling team and eventually to a sales position. In 2010 Liebherr-Australia welcomed Andrew to the team as the National Sales Manager for Mobile Cranes. Andrew is now a member of the Board of Management for Liebherr-Australia, and 2019 will be his 10th year as a Board Director for CICA.

Andrew was humbled by the experience of receiving this honour saying, “Induction into the Hall of Fame is a privilege, I was completely shocked as the award was totally unexpected. You don’t do this stuff to get awards, you do it because you’ve got a passion. This year was my 18th conference and I clearly remember my first one on the Gold Coast. I knew no one, and all these names were getting banded around and here I am 18 years later and my name is getting banded around with them. That makes me feel very privileged.”

From all at Liebherr-Australia, congratulations to Andrew for this well-deserved honour.