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Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS: a responsible company

Responsibility is a guiding principle of Liebherr that includes the protection of women, men and the environment for the conduct of all the company's activities. Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS is committed to guarantee the health and safety of its employees, to develop more responsible management of its facilities, to produce and maintain its products while meeting and even exceeding the requirements of sustainable development.

Improving our environmental performance

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS has been certified ISO 14001 "Site and Products" since 2007. This certification testifies to the company's continuous improvement approach to enhance its environmental performance.

In its core business and in response to its major challenges, the organization has been for many years integrating the development of more environmental-friendly technologies into its R&T activities. Thus, in 2023, with the aim of participating to the low-carbon aircraft development, the company has equipped its development test center with a hydrogen bench.

Also, an eco-design approach has been initiated and is being applied to the R&T and Development phases. It is currently being structured to become more widespread and support the company's environmental performance.

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS has been committed to greenhouse gas emissions reduction for more than 10 years. The latest assessment published in 2023 shows a 46% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, with 1,400 tons of CO2 emitted in 2022, compared with the reference year (2014), in a context of growth of + 4.7% in sales. To reinforce its approach, the organization will extend its assessment to indirect Scope 3 emissions for all its activities.

Social commitment

On the social plan, the company has started implementing a deep social transformation in order to put its employees at the center of its concerns. Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS also employs prisoners in a penitentiary center and contributes to their reintegration.

What about tomorrow?

Sustainable development is an essential stake for Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse. That is why the company has launched a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach supported by the Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS and the Liebherr Group.

The main pillars are:

  • Contribute to decarbonization in the activities linked to aerospace or other applications, by acting on energy consumption, and developing innovative technologies and products more respectful of the environment
  • Control hazardous substances, in particular those covered by the REACH regulation
  • Reduce and recycle waste, with a specific focus on rehabilitated parts
  • Preserve biodiversity and natural resources, in particular by optimizing water consumption
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