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Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport News Co.

Products and services of Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport News Co.

Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport News manufactures large mining trucks for the mining industry and these are widely used for mining coal, iron ore, copper ore, and gold ore. The machines from Newport News impress in all equipment classes through their ease of availability, technical reliability, and excellent productivity.

T 264 dumper truck en route to the customer
T 264 dumper truck en route to the customer

Payloads of the large dumper trucks

In Newport News, mining trucks with diesel-electric drivelines are produced with payloads of between 218 and 363 tonnes. The largest mining truck in the product range, the T 284, is able to transport approximately 10 million tonnes of excavated material per year. Fitted with a specially designed mining body, it can lift 363 tonnes which is roughly the volume of 1,243 bathtubs.

Liebherr on-site service at the mine

Excellent service, combined with permanent availability of machines, are of prime importance in the mining industry. Liebherr recognises this, and provides on-site customised service solutions over the entire service life of the products in every open cast mine. These include:

  • Customer services and logistics
  • Driver training and maintenance training courses
  • Technical product support
  • Component remanufacturing
  • Maintenance management and service agreements
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