Press releases | 11/25/2020 LTM 1050-3.1 makes “Muse” art project possible by hoisting a grand piano into a forest clearing

  • Valuable freight – LTM 1050-3.1 hoists a grand piano for an art project into a forest clearing
  • “Muse” is a short film about humanity and vulnerability by photographer and artist Sichtlich Mensch

ESB Kranverleih Transport und Hebetechnik GmbH received an order for a very unusual job in spring 2020 – a valuable grand piano had to be hoisted into a cleared section of forest near Erolzheim in southern Germany and set up there to be played. The order was placed by Andreas Reiner, a German photographer and artist, known by the name Sichtlich Mensch. He was producing the “Muse” project in this clearing – a short film about humanity and vulnerability.

ESB Kranverleih’s LTM 1050-3.1 hoisted a valuable piano into a cleared section of forest.

Single image, web (674 KB)

Well-known German pianist Dirk Maassen played a range of sensitive, dreamlike music in the middle of the forest.

Single image, web (397 KB)

Mittelbiberach-based company ESB Kranverleih and Managing Director Karl Engeser had never come across a project quite like it. “It was quite exciting to be part of a such an unusual project. After we received the enquiry, we first of all took a look at the location”, he says. The section of forest had been cleared after suffering storm damage. Engeser thinks back: “We looked for a suitable access route and a place which had the required stability to set up the crane.” ESB finally managed to set up an LTM 1050-3.1 close to the clearing. The 50 tonne crane then hoisted the 400 kilogram grand piano into the required location from a distance of 25 metres.

In perfect weather conditions, a very special, moving mood was developed in this “injured” section of forest – volunteers gathered around the piano, stripping naked to express the vulnerability of humanity. Well-known German pianist Dirk Maassen played a range of sensitive, dreamlike music and created a unique atmosphere. The resultant film can be viewed online free of charge.


Here you will find the press release and images for download.

Presseinformation Deutsch PDF (5.1 MB)
Press Information English PDF (393 KB)

Additional links

Mobile Crane LTM 1050-3.1


Wolfgang Beringer

Marketing and Communication

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Dr.-Hans-Liebherr-Straße 1

89584 Ehingen
