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Production of slurry walls

Slurry walls are deep wall structures made of concrete, reinforced concrete or binding agents in the building ground. They have a static or sealing function. For their production trenches are excavated in panels. A support fluid, usually bentonite suspension, prevents the soil around the trenches from caving in. In the single phase method a self-hardening suspension remains in the trench. In the two-phase method the support fluid is pumped out of the trench and replaced by e.g. concrete after the final depth has been reached. In the combined method, precast concrete elements, steel elements or sealing panels are inserted in the not yet hardened suspension.

For slurry wall installation duty cycle crawler cranes are used in combination with grabs or hydromills.

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Versatile application

Slurry walls are used as e.g. permanent watertight foundation pit enclosures, foundation elements or cut-off walls.

Vibration-free method

Slurry wall installation belongs to the low-vibration methods. Hence, slurry walls can be produced directly adjacent to existing buildings.

Watertight structure

The slurry wall method enables the production of nearly impermeable wall structures.

Installation with Liebherr duty cycle crawler cranes

A slurry wall consists of several slurry wall panels installed next to each other. The excavation is either carried out with a slurry wall grab or a hydromill. The carrier machines used are the robust duty cycle crawler cranes of the HS series.

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