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Products and services of Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH has extensive expert knowledge with more than 50 years of experience in the construction of mobile cranes. Its business activities ranges from development and production, over global sales, right up to service. Development capacities and production facilities on-site satisfy the highest standards. Together with specialized partners, Liebherr develops and optimizes customized engineering solutions. Exclusive products are therefore produced with the priority always set on orientation on the customer.

The production program includes:

  • Mobile cranes
  • Compact cranes
  • Truck-mounted telescopic cranes
  • Lattice boom mobile cranes
  • Telescopic crawler cranes
  • Crawler cranes
  • Cranes with special equipment for the military and fire brigade

What characterizes mobile cranes made by Liebherr

Liebherr mobile cranes are reliable, durable, and safe in operation. The wide range of its product line – from the all-terrain mobile crane at 35 tonnes right up to the heavy duty crane with a load bearing capacity of 1,200 tonnes – enables Liebherr to provide the perfect machine for every requirement. Universal boom and jib systems with extensive extra equipment create flexible operational capabilities. The cranes unite performance and efficiency through the perfect interaction of high-strength steels, high-precision mechanics, high-performance hydraulics, and state-of-the-art electronic control systems.

Crawler cranes from Ehingen for maximum lifting capacity

Liebherr crawler cranes from Ehingen are used everywhere around the world where the heaviest loads need to be moved safely and economically. They impress with lifting capacities up to 3,000 tonnes, outstanding load torques, as well as enormous lifting heights and reaches. Ultimate mobility and economy is ensured through the compact dimensions and ideal transport weights of crane components.

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