Fascination Logisitcs: The central logistics centre from Liebherr
Concentrated service power
The spare parts supply for the Earthmoving and Components divisions is housed at the Oberopfingen logistics centre. From here, Liebherr supplies customers all over the world.
Small-parts logistics writ large
The automated small-parts warehouse operates around the clock. This plays a crucial role in enabling Liebherr to dispatch up to 2,000 individual orders a day from Oberopfingen to countries across Europe.
In good hands
Despite all the automation, we could never operate without human input. At our picking stations, each order is checked and prepared for the next steps in the dispatch process. Orders can be tracked at any time using the warehouse management system.
Top location
Just off the A7 autobahn, the Oberopfingen logistics centre is ideally located for accessing the transport infrastructure and Liebherr's production sites – and there is still plenty of room for expansion.