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Luffing HC-L

Liebherr luffing jib cranes deliver high load capacities and outstanding hoist speeds. This enables them to contribute to rapid construction progress. On all HC-L cranes, the intelligent Litronic crane control system helps ensure that the crane is controlled efficiently and safely. They can adapt quickly to the personal requirements of the crane driver and those of the site.

357 HC-L, 280 HC-L, 230 HC-L, 258 HC-L Fibre

Our Liebherr cranes are involved in the mega project "Four" in Frankfurt. The construction site is characterised by exceptional heights and space restrictions. HC-L luffing cranes offer all the features and technologies for this application.

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230 HC-L 8/16

After three and a half years, the 230 HC-L 8/16 has carried out its last lift. With a final hook height of approx. 180 metres, the luffing jib crane was the tallest crane on "The Spin" project in Frankfurt.

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357 HC-L

The longest suspension Bridge in the world is connecting Asia and Europe: the 1915Çanakkale Bridge in Turkey. Extreme weather conditions, regional forces and maritime traffic were further challenges.

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280 HC-L

A new 280 HC-L impresses with reliability and high-handling performance during its first job in Burnaby. A 56-storey residential tower is being erected there as part of a development project.

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Office block overlooking the Eiffel Tower

The Hekla Tower reaches up to a height of 220 metres and has already become a real eye-catcher in the La Défense skyline. A Liebherr crane 280 HC-L 16/28 is currently helping to erect the building for offices and services in this large business district, three kilometres from the city boundary of Paris.

The luffing jib crane is perfect for this project because its work includes moving heavy glass and metal elements. The skyscraper provides a superb panoramic view of the City of Love – including the Eiffel Tower – from its enormous terraces.

710 HC-L

Local regulations and the layout of the site presented considerable challenges for the developers of a skyscraper project in Singapore.

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710 HC-L

Two of Liebherr’s 710 HC-L 32/64 Litronic luffing jib cranes helped install 8,109 tons of reinforcing steel and 48,849 cubic yards of concrete to allow the building to rise 1,050 feet into the sky.

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542 HC-L

Five Liebherr 542 HC-L 18/36 tower cranes were instrumental in helping Las Vegas’s newest landmark take shape from the ground up.

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Liebherr tower cranes build the highest building in Europe

A total of ten Liebherr tower cranes are currently erecting the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg, Russia. The construction project includes what will be the highest building in Europe, the Lakhta Tower, and an adjoining multi-purpose building. Three 710 HC-L 32/64 Litronic and one 357 HC-L 12/24 Litronic luffing jib cranes are being used for the construction work on the tower. Three 357 HC-L 12/24 Litronic luffing jib cranes and three 280 EC-H 12 Litronic High-Top cranes are in action on the multi-purpose building.

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190 HC-L

A fleet of Liebherr tower cranes is currently being used to build the three-tower LYFE business complex in Israel.

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357 HC-L & 280 HC-L

Axel Springer new build in Germany's capital: Six luffing jib cranes from Liebherr's own used and rental crane centre, the Tower Crane Center, are providing sterling service on the site.

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230 HC-L

Major modification project on the Molikpaq offshore platform: Our 230 HC-L 8/16 Litronic luffing jib crane is being used as a support crane for this extensive modernisation project.

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