Service a key component of Liebherr milestones

Liebherr-Australia’s milestone success proved that aftersales is not an afterthought.

Liebherr-Australia’s milestone success proved that aftersales is not an afterthought.

Liebherr-Australia’s milestone success proved that aftersales is not an afterthought.

The year 2020 presented many challenges with the pandemic and flow on effects to equipment manufacturing, supply chains and logistics. The strength and continuation of the Australian mining industry resulted in suppliers like Liebherr-Australia having to quickly adapt to the circumstances to ensure continued support for their customers.

Liebherr-Australia’s mining division did this successfully, achieving many milestones across the business including record equipment sales, remanufactured components, hydraulic hose fabrication, bucket fabrication, and parts supply.

Australian Mining sat down with Liebherr-Australia’s Tony Johnstone, executive general manager customer service, to discuss the year and its successes.

The full article was published on Australian Mining in February 2021. Read the article here: https://www.australianmining.com.au/features/service-a-key-component-of-liebherr-milestones/