What attracted you to a career in the mining industry?
Samantha: Working in the mining industry was something I had always wanted to do, mainly because sitting at a computer all day wasn’t something that intrigued me. I like the fact that if you work in the mines there are so many opportunities and avenues to better yourself and your career.
Alicia: I believe that the mining industry has excellent prospects for a career, both domestically and abroad. In addition, the challenges and experiences offered by this industry intrigues me to explore it. Life in this industry is very challenging, so I wish to be able to grow into a strong person both physically and mentally.
Emilie: I started working in the mining industry mainly by chance. I had no special vocation for it. In France – and in other European countries – we are not surrounded by a mining culture like the USA or Australia. I had barely even heard of mining before starting to work in this industry. Today I can say that I really enjoy working in the mining industry because it is very diversified. I like the gigantic side of the things: the machines, the mine sites, and the scale of the projects.
What is your role and how did you get to where you are today?
Samantha: I am a third-year plant mechanic apprentice. How did I get here? Well, when I was working at KFC, I scrolled on Seek [an online employment marketplace] to see which apprenticeships were out there. Liebherr was looking for first-year apprentices. I clicked the link to apply and a few weeks later I had the job. Now three years down the track I’m a female apprentice on a contract out at a customer site – Mangoola – on a heavy crew, working on a whole bunch of different machines.
Alicia: My current position is a field service technician. The main duty of this position is to provide services in the form of repair and maintenance of units on site. I graduated from St. Petersburg State Transport University with a major in mechanical engineering, specialising in railway rolling stock. I got to my position after going through the selection process held by Liebherr Indonesia.
Emilie: I work as an application engineer for Liebherr Mining. I cover Africa, Europe, and Asia. My job consists of providing sales support to promote the performance of our machines. I make sure the customer is buying the right machine for their needs to ensure user satisfaction. For machines already in operation, my job is to ensure that the machine is used correctly: checking operating techniques, set-up, organisation of the loading area, operational efficiency (load/haul and best truck match), and operating conditions.
It is a consulting role to build up loyalty and to ensure satisfaction and future sales. Mining machines are used very intensively, and renewals are frequent (every 5 to 10 years depending on the size of the machine), which is why it is important to always be present in this very competitive industry.
What’s the best part about working for Liebherr?
Samantha: The best part would have to be the people you work with on a daily basis. They’re all amazing people who are more than willing to teach me everything I need to know. I’m constantly learning and working in a team that works so well together.
Alicia: For me, the best parts of working for Liebherr are the opportunity to learn, develop my skills, and collaborate with my peers who are proficient in their fields. Other than that, the working environment and its people are extremely welcoming and encouraging. As a new recruit, I managed to gain tremendous knowledge from my seniors.
Emilie: Liebherr as a group is very well perceived in the industry, which is enjoyable in your everyday work! Also, working for a family-owned company with strong values has become essential for me. Compared to other companies I have worked for I can really feel the impact of these values on all employees and on the quality of our products as well.
Why are you passionate about your work in this industry?
Samantha: I am contributing to the reason a digger [excavator] or truck is up and running. You’re getting up close and watching how everything works. You never stop learning in this industry. It’s something I could never get bored doing.
Alicia: What makes me passionate about working in this industry is that there are constant challenges and new developments that drive me to be more competent.
Emilie: I like the fact that every project is unique. Every time I am involved in a new mining project, I have to understand the essence of it and what the customer’s expectations and limitations are. I never do the same thing twice and I really appreciate it. I like that we participate in the extraction of raw materials that are used in many other industries. They are resources that we all need. In my work, I try to help customers to do their job in the best possible way by optimising all resources, processes, and means. I feel more comfortable having our machines do the extraction work rather than having people with bad tools doing this work with high risks.