Liebherr legacy lives on with R 9600 excavator
Liebherr Mining launched the new R 9600 600-tonne hydraulic excavator in March 2021. Australia, being the unofficial home of the 600-tonne excavator market and largest market for Liebherr mining equipment globally, was chosen for the first units which have been working in two mines across two customers since early 2020.
Australian Mining sat down to discuss the success of the R 9600 so far, and the outlook for the 600-tonne excavator market in Australia, with Liebherr Mining’s product manager George Barturen, Liebherr-Australia’s director for mining Trent Wehr, and Technical Support Advisor for the R 9600 John Illarietti.
The full article was published on Australian Mining in March 2021. Read the article here: https://www.australianmining.com.au/features/liebherr-legacy-lives-on-with-r-9600-excavator/