Liebherr at 2018 China (Changchun) First International Symposium on Environmental Control of Vehicles: Chinese Railway Vehicles Can Benefit from Air Cycle Technology


In September 2018, Liebherr participated in the Changchun First International Symposium on Environmental Control of Vehicles. The technology-oriented event for operators, integrators, scientists as well as suppliers from the rolling stock heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry was organized and headed by CRRC Changchun.


Part of a strong Liebherr-team / 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员 (from left to right): Lu Lightman (Senior System Engineer HVAC Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Fairy Zhang (Assistant to Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Song Lixin (Head of Engineering Zhejiang Liebherr Zhongche Transportation Systems Co., Ltd.), Andreas Walter (Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China) and Roland Friedrich (Director Sales & Customer Service Liebherr- Transportation Systems China) 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员(从左至右):陆勐超(轨道交通中国区,高级暖通空调系统工程师),张志芳(轨道交通中国区,执行总监助理),宋立新(利勃海尔中车交通系统有限公司总工程师),黄昂德(轨道交通中国区,执行总监),富兰德(轨道交通中国区,销售与客户服务总监)。

Part of a strong Liebherr-team / 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员 (from left to right): Lu Lightman (Senior System Engineer HVAC Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Fairy Zhang (Assistant to Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Song Lixin (Head of Engineering Zhejiang Liebherr Zhongche Transportation Systems Co., Ltd.), Andreas Walter (Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China) and Roland Friedrich (Director Sales & Customer Service Liebherr- Transportation Systems China) 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员(从左至右):陆勐超(轨道交通中国区,高级暖通空调系统工程师),张志芳(轨道交通中国区,执行总监助理),宋立新(利勃海尔中车交通系统有限公司总工程师),黄昂德(轨道交通中国区,执行总监),富兰德(轨道交通中国区,销售与客户服务总监)。

Part of a strong Liebherr-team / 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员 (from left to right): Lu Lightman (Senior System Engineer HVAC Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Fairy Zhang (Assistant to Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China), Song Lixin (Head of Engineering Zhejiang Liebherr Zhongche Transportation Systems Co., Ltd.), Andreas Walter (Executive Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems China) and Roland Friedrich (Director Sales & Customer Service Liebherr- Transportation Systems China) 利勃海尔强大团队部分成员(从左至右):陆勐超(轨道交通中国区,高级暖通空调系统工程师),张志芳(轨道交通中国区,执行总监助理),宋立新(利勃海尔中车交通系统有限公司总工程师),黄昂德(轨道交通中国区,执行总监),富兰德(轨道交通中国区,销售与客户服务总监)。

More than 250 representatives of the Chinese and international industry had gathered in order to discuss current and future trends in regards of providing passenger comfort climate to rail passengers. One major topic: Alternative cooling technologies in order to be able to phase out greenhouse gases soon and to protect the environment.


An expert in his field: Thierry Mengelle (Chief Engineer – R&T Strategy, Air Systems Diversification, Technologies and Advanced Concepts, Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse) / 业内专家:Thierry Mengelle,利勃海尔宇航图卢兹有限公司,研究和技术策略,空气系统的多样化、技术和先进概念首席工程师

An expert in his field: Thierry Mengelle (Chief Engineer – R&T Strategy, Air Systems Diversification, Technologies and Advanced Concepts, Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse) / 业内专家:Thierry Mengelle,利勃海尔宇航图卢兹有限公司,研究和技术策略,空气系统的多样化、技术和先进概念首席工程师

An expert in his field: Thierry Mengelle (Chief Engineer – R&T Strategy, Air Systems Diversification, Technologies and Advanced Concepts, Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse) / 业内专家:Thierry Mengelle,利勃海尔宇航图卢兹有限公司,研究和技术策略,空气系统的多样化、技术和先进概念首席工程师

Thierry Mengelle, Chief Engineer – R&T Strategy, Air Systems Diversification, Technologies and Advanced Concepts, Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Toulouse (France) with decades of experience in the integration of air cycle systems into aircraft and railway vehicles, described the technological advantages of the air cycle HVAC system developed by Liebherr.

Thierry Mengelle,利勃海尔宇航图卢兹(法国)有限公司,研究与技术策略,空气系统的多样化、技术和先进概念首席工程师,结合几十年将空气循环系统集成到飞机和铁路车辆中的经验,介绍了利勃海尔开发的空气循环空调系统的技术优势。

Based on studies published by the Environmental Agency of the Federal Republic of Germany about the beneficial use of the air cycle technology on HVAC integrated in high speed trains operated by Deutsche Bahn in Germany, Thierry gave an overview about the current and future technology status under development in order to enable greenhouse gases free air conditioning systems for Chinese railway vehicles.


He presented the integrated open loop concept developed by Liebherr which is still successfully and reliably in service since 2006. Thierry also gave a technological outlook about Liebherr’s New Generation HVAC technology which will enable the use of air bearings and to deliver cooling power capacities that can meet the requirements in China.


Presenting scientific evidence: Dr. Christian Luger (Performance Analyses Engineer, HVAC Business at Liebherr-Transportation Systems) / 研究报告演讲:Christian Luger博士,利勃海尔交通系统有限公司,空调系统性能分析工程师

Presenting scientific evidence: Dr. Christian Luger (Performance Analyses Engineer, HVAC Business at Liebherr-Transportation Systems) / 研究报告演讲:Christian Luger博士,利勃海尔交通系统有限公司,空调系统性能分析工程师

Presenting scientific evidence: Dr. Christian Luger (Performance Analyses Engineer, HVAC Business at Liebherr-Transportation Systems) / 研究报告演讲:Christian Luger博士,利勃海尔交通系统有限公司,空调系统性能分析工程师

Dr. Christian Luger, Performance Analyses Engineer, HVAC Business at Liebherr- Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG, Korneuburg (Austria) explained data comparison which had been published by the German Federal Environmental Agency and provided an overview of the overall energy consumption including primary and secondary energy demand for cooling of HVAC on a VHS train operating in China. The results clearly indicated that for Chinese high-speed vehicles there is a notable advantage resulting from a lower traction effort of trains with air cycle system compared to trains equipped with classical vapor cycle based HVAC systems.

Christian Luger博士,利勃海尔交通系统科尔新堡 (奥地利) 有限公司空调系统性能分析工程师,解释了由德国联邦环保署发布的数据比较结果,并概述了在中国运营的高速列车HVAC系统的总体能耗,包括主级和次级能量需求。结果表明,与采用传统的蒸汽循环空调系统的列车相比,采用空气循环系统的列车具有更小的牵引力,这对于高速列车有着显著的优势。

The figures showed clearly: With over ten years of operating experience, air cycle technology, which originally comes from aviation and has been developed for the rail industry by Liebherr, represents a reliable, environmentally friendly alternative to conventional HVAC systems using refrigerants.


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Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG

Liebherrstrasse 1

2100 Korneuburg


Liebherr (China) Co., Ltd.

315 Jianye Rd., Building No. 5A

ZhongQuan R&D Park, Pudong

201201  Shanghai

P.R. China

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