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Product Security at Liebherr

Reporting a security issue

Liebherr takes reports of potential product security issues extremely seriously and investigates them with the utmost care. If you believe you have found a security issue in a product, please contact Liebherr's PSIRT immediately:

Report security issue

Product Security Incident Response Team

For Liebherr, the quality of its products and services is of utmost importance. Accordingly, Liebherr is committed to continuously developing the security of cyber-physical products in collaboration with our partners. The Liebherr Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) actively contributes to this commitment by addressing security concerns in Liebherr products, as identified by external security researchers, partners, customers or internal sources.

The Liebherr PSIRT coordinates responses in the event of potential security incidents alongside Liebherr’s engineering and development teams. This includes formulating an appropriate response plan and maintaining ongoing communication with the reporting party.

Liebherr encourages everyone to report identified security issues affecting our products. We welcome security issue reports directly from researchers, industry groups, Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), partners, and any other source. The interests of the reporting party hold significant importance for us (anonymous reports are also embraced) and we commit to addressing any security issue reasonably believed to be associated with our products. We strongly emphasize the importance of a coordinated disclosure, as immediate public disclosure poses unnecessary risks to our customers' systems. Hence, we kindly urge the reporting party to treat the security issue confidentially until we provide a solution.

While we do not offer a bug bounty program with monetary rewards, we deeply appreciate all contributions. To recognize and showcase those who discover security issues with substantial impacts on product cybersecurity, we will maintain a Hall of Fame in the future. This underlines our commitment to transparency, collaboration, and ongoing improvement in cybersecurity. We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributes to enhancing the cybersecurity of our products.


Liebherr Product cyber security policy
Liebherr Product cyber security policy (PDF, 51 KB)
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