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News | 11/30/2021

Where business and science develop digital solutions

From the Internet of Things, cloud solutions and data science to mobile apps: For just over a year, a global team from Liebherr-Hausgeräte has been working on digital future topics at the Ulm Science Park. Find out more

News | 10/12/2020

Training start 2020: this is how 400 apprentices started their careers at Liebherr

This year, too, numerous young people started their careers at Liebherr and begun their studies or classic apprenticeship. Find out more

News | 08/27/2020

Liebherr for Liebherr: Lindenberg production staff are lending a hand to Deggendorf

In order to avoid bottlenecks in production on one side and short-time work on the other, some of Lindenberg’s staff are supporting the production facility in Deggendorf (Germany). Find out more

News | 02/05/2020

Experts’ Meeting: the Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse’s recruitment event

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse organizes its third edition of its recruitment event Experts’ Meeting, on February 24, 2020, at the museum l’Envol des Pionniers in Toulouse. Find out more

News | 04/14/2019

In with the new! Employer films celebrate premiere at Bauma

Last year Liebherr shot several films for its new image as an employer. Not released up to now, the clips celebrated their premiere today at Bauma and were shown to the public for the first time – on a screen measuring 87 square metres, twelve metres wide and seven metres high. Find out more

News | 04/08/2019

Women in MINT!

Lei Shen is an engineer and manages certification projects for the world's largest cranes. At Career Point at Bauma, she talks about her successful career in a rather male-dominated industry. Find out more

News | 04/02/2019

#AskLiebherr: Starting a career made easy

Lots of school students from the Upper Swabia region will visit Liebherr at Bauma – the world’s leading construction machinery trade fair. In preparation, the Liebherr Group has launched a school campaign called “Ask Liebherr”, to encourage dialog with school students and find out what worries them most about starting a career. Find out more

News | 06/13/2018

Liebherr sponsors charitable trust's two-day engineering event at Vertikal Days

Liebherr-Great Britain Ltd sponsors “My Future My Choice” charity event for fourth time at this year’s Vertikal Days at Donington Park, United Kingdom. Find out more

News | 05/04/2018

Good news for Liebherr welding partnership with Smithfield High School

Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport News Co. strengthens its partnership with Smithfield High School. Just recently, the company inaugurated a new welding lab as one part of the high school’s new welding program. Liebherr contributes to the program by offering practical insights to the students, which can be helpful for college and careers. Find out more

News | 11/02/2017

Liebherr wins the European Innovation Impact Award 2017

Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH was crowned this year's winner of the European Innovation Impact Award 2017. Find out more

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