Charging machines with zero local emissions
Our mobile Liduro Power Port is an easy to use integrated or stand-alone power source for electric vehicles and machines on off-grid construction sites or sites with limited grid access. The battery-based energy storage system complies to local emission regulations and offers long-term investment security as well as a best price-performance ratio.
Mobile power supply for sites with limited or no grid access
Power supply and peak shaving: With maximized power density and peak power outputs of 62 – 145 kVA, the Liduro Power Port offers fast and easy access to power through various input and output lines: 16A / 32A / 63A / 125A. Grid connections can be down-sized by using the Power Port to peak shave the energy consumption of your machines with high peak loads. All versions of our Power Port are robust against water, temperature, dust, and vibrations. Their low2no-maintenance components provide for low life-cycle costs and maximum availability.
Economically smart
Dimensions matching your demands: Liduro Power Port can be used in a matching dimensioning referencing your fleet and power demands.
The mobile LPO can be used for a variety of applications:
- Construction sites
- Emergency energy supply
- eMobility charging infrastructure
- Telecommunication in off-grid areas
- Events
Liebherr offers support throughout the complete product life cycle:
Dimensioning, service, take-back and disposal
Peak shaving, dimensioning, efficiency
Use cases
Liebherr – Mobile construction crane MK 88 and Liduro Power Port