Liebherr Mixing Technology, with its wide range of product in mixing plant, truck mixer and concrete pumps, Liebherr has given the right solution for the requirement of Sobha Developers Private Ltd new vertical Sobha Precast, Bangalore, India.
In line with requirement of Sobha Precast Factory, Liebherr offered a Compactmix 1.0 equipped with ring pan mixer with agitator and featuring various other high performance features like consistent measuring system, FMS II, MPS III control system etc. The new Compactmix 1.0 plant was delivered to Sobha in January 2015 and has been erected and commissioned in April 2015.
The Mixing technology is the core component for the precast project. The Liebherr ring pan mixer with agitator system qualifies for the high concrete quality requirements in the precast industry.