6 minutes - magazine 02 | 2024
Totally digital
News from the Liebherr Crane Finder
The new version of the Liebherr Crane Finder has been online since mid-May, surprising dispatchers and crane drivers alike with a multitude of new features and improvements – some under the bonnet, some prominently visible. We have enhanced the Crane Finder, our simple tool for finding the right crane and the optimum configuration, in many areas and integrated new features. We interviewed Isabel Brehm from the Digital Products and Services department, as well as Wolfgang Boos, Product Manager for digital products.

Product Manager Wolfgang Boos answers questions about various digital products at the customer days.
Whatʼs new about the Crane Finder?
Wolfgang Boos: Firstly, we have completely revised the underlying crane data on the basis of the latest load charts and compiled them in a new database. And the speed is really impressive: in just a few seconds, Crane Finder checks over 1.7 billion options to find the optimum crane and configuration. The advantage for our customers is that the Crane Finder now has access to the latest planning data, all operating modes, more information and significantly more cranes from the field when searching.
What benefits does this offer?
Isabel Brehm: The new database provides many more functions and additional information, such as ballast radius, support, main boom angle, accessory angle and central ballast. This is essential data in terms of evaluating the craneʼs use on the construction site. And itʼs also highly practical: as before, all information can be displayed in large tiles or, as a completely new feature, in a compact list view.
Wolfgang Boos: The new database is also essential for the future development of the Crane Finder. And we already have some concrete ideas that we are now implementing step by step as we aim to offer our customers even simpler and faster job planning.

Isabel Brehm, Department Digital Products and Services, presents the Crane Finder App at the Customer Days 2024.
Is anything else new?
Wolfgang Boos: Yes, namely the “Optimise configuration” button. Background: The Crane Finder has always sought the smallest possible crane for each load case – and always with the maximum load capacity, i.e. with full ballast. In many cases, however, the crane could do the job with less ballast. But what is the minimum amount of ballast required to fulfil the current load requirement? The new feature answers precisely this question. The most economical configuration is found in a matter of seconds. In most cases, the amount of ballast can be reduced – extra weight that the customer does not need to transport to the construction site. In this way, the Crane Finder actively helps to save fuel and therefore CO2, contributing to environmental protection. It also helps our customers to save money.
Isabel Brehm: Another improvement is the number of cranes included in the search: a total of 76 mobile and crawler cranes from our current portfolio as well as selected older machines. The developers have added a multi-select filter to ensure clarity despite the large number of machines. This lets the users specify with a mouse click if for example, they only want the results list to include the LRT cranes in their own fleet.

Favourites function: Crane drivers are primarily interested in information about the crane they are currently operating.
Liebherr Crane Finder app
The Crane Finder is now also available as an app for mobile devices. Isabel and Wolfgang, what advantages does the app offer?
Isabel Brehm: We thoroughly considered the target audience, i.e. crane drivers, beforehand and analysed their needs. On the one hand, crane drivers need to be able to use the Crane Finder on the road during their challenging day-to-day work on construction sites. On the other hand, they absolutely need additional information such as the support base or the ballast radius.
Wolfgang Boos: The app includes a favourites function that allows users to select their preferred crane models in the MyLiebherr portal and access them quickly. Crane drivers will be particularly pleased about this, as they are especially interested in the information about “their” crane.
Do app users have to register in the MyLiebherr customer portal?
Isabel Brehm: Not necessarily. This is another advantage of the app. Crane drivers can immediately access a reduced list of results without registering and can use the app without any hurdles.
Wolfgang Boos: However, if users register on the MyLiebherr portal – which is free of charge – and log in, they can exploit the full potential of the app and benefit from additional features, such as the complete results list, the favourites function and the “My Fleet” feature.
Isabel Brehm: We are convinced that the Crane Finder app will offer added value for crane drivers and dispatchers worldwide. It enables even easier and faster access to the information that users need to carry out their work effectively and efficiently.
Wolfgang Boos: The new Crane Finder and the app launch are further steps towards offering our customers innovative solutions that will improve their work processes and thus save them time and money. Try it out now and look forward to further updates in the coming months.
Thank you very much for your detailed explanations. That all sounds very exciting. The Crane Finder app from Liebherr is available now for many smartphones and tablets in the App Store and the Google Play Store for iOS and Android devices, respectively. Download the app today and discover how easy it can be to find the ideal crane for your requirements.
This article was published in the UpLoad magazine 02 | 2024.