How do we manage landing gear overhauls?

We asked the question to Martin Berg, Landing Gear Overhaul Contract Manager, who is the point of contact for our customers throughout the whole overhaul process performed at Liebherr-Aerospace in Lindenberg (Germany).

Landing gear overhauls are a matter of great responsibility, good planning and close communication.


Martin, what challenges do you face in your daily work?

Landing gear overhauls are a matter of great responsibility, good planning and close communication – both with our customers and internally. The main challenge is the optimization in coordination with our customers regarding the planning of the landing gear overhaul slots as it covers the upcoming five years. Flexibility is key and to match continuously our shop capacity with the maintenance schedule of the operators can be challenging.

The common goal is to perform the overhauls in the agreed time.


How do you usually proceed after a service agreement has been signed?

Ideally, we get in contact with the customer well in advance of the overhaul: we secure a loan or exchange rotable, define the exact work scope, prepare shipping and support with back-to-birth documentation. The better the joint coordination during the run-up phase of the overhauls, the smoother the process. The common goal is to perform the overhauls in the agreed time.


Does Liebherr-Aerospace perform landing gear overhauls only at its OEM site in Germany?

No, our sister company Liebherr Aerospace Saline, Inc. in Michigan (USA) is also active in this field. The first landing gear work job there was done in 2000, followed by the first overhauls in 2005. Since those early days, landing gears from all over the world have been repaired and overhauled in our growing service center in Michigan. Today, 65,000 sq ft (6,000 m²) of the facility are dedicated to the maintenance of landing gears.


Who are the essential stakeholders involved in landing gear overhauls?

A skilled, dedicated and experienced workforce. This is not only required on the shop floor level to perform the actual mechanical work, but equally important on the engineering support side. And without our workflow planners keeping track of all parts, the supply chain experts managing our suppliers and subcontractors, our diligent records staff and dedicated customer service team, none of our overhauls would have been possible and successful so far.


What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the whole landing gear overhaul process?

Understanding the customers’ expectations and constraints is key – our task is to stay available and flexible in order to always find a common solution.