Obsolescence Management @ Liebherr Electronics

Find out more about the five essential pillars of Liebherr Electronics’ Obsolescence Management and their benefits for our customers.

Members of the Obsolescence Management Team at Liebherr-Elektronik in Lindau (Germany)

Members of the Obsolescence Management Team at Liebherr-Elektronik in Lindau (Germany)

Liebherr develops and manufactures complex electronic units for aerospace, construction and agriculture machinery. All of these applications require a long-term availability of qualified and certified electronic hardware.

However, the life cycle of nearly all electronic components, like semiconductors as well as passive components are substantially lower (3 to 6 years) than the expected life cycle of entire electronic products (15 to 30 years). This conflict is solved by a professional Obsolescence Management, defined and implemented by Liebherr Electronics.

This Obsolescence Management for the whole product life cycle is based on five essential pillars:

1. Proactive activities

Already during the design-phase, Liebherr selects components, which are at least and if ever possible available from two different sources. All distributors and component manufacturers are requested to provide Liebherr with continuous information for their components, like availability, life cycle status, second sources, replacements and market trends. This data is collected, evaluated and processed by Liebherr and the entire component database of Liebherr is updated frequently. Distributors are obliged by contract to inform Liebherr over product change notification (PCN) in case of obsolescence.

2. Continuous acquisition of information

Information about components availability is collected from different sources:

  • Supplier “last time buy” (LTB) notification and manufacturer PCN
  • Life cycle observation by an external life cycle data provider

3. Component data management

Liebherr established its own electronic components database, containing all relevant data about components, like data sheets as well as supplier information, life cycle information, second sources, replacements and market trends. A dedicated team identifies and evaluates this data and keeps the database up to date.

4. Process in case of obsolescence

Liebherr performs a standardized workflow to avoid impact to the product and/or to the customer. This workflow contains impact-analyses, evaluation of second sources or alternatives, customer information/approval, redesign activities (if needed), testing according to test matrix (e.g. according ATP/QTP) incl. documentation and configuration management.

5. Long-term storage of electronic components

In case of an LTB, Liebherr is able to storage electronic components under controlled conditions over long periods. This highly secured long-term stock is protected against risks like fire, humidity, high/low temperature and oxygen.

  • Long-term safety stock for electronic components at Liebherr-Elektronik in Lindau (Germany)

  • Components Cockpit to manage the availability on a weekly basis

  • Sealed package of electronic components

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    Video: Onboard Electronics

    Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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    We offer power electronics to move something, and signal electronics to control something. Find out more about our electronics capabilities and activities. Play video
    Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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    Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH

    Peter-Dornier-Straße 11

    88131 Lindau


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