1915Canakkale Bridge in der Türkei - Demontage der HC-L Krane
How are those HC-L cranes going to get back down? That’s the question that immediately springs to mind when you look at this photo of the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge in Turkey. The cranes have now been dismantled – a spectacular disassembly that pushed humans and machines to their limits and beyond.
The first 357 HC-L lowered its top tower sections from its position on one of the 1915Çanakkale Bridge’s two pylons and then a 200 DR 5/10 derrick crane set to work. The service technicians started off by suspending the HC-L’s jib head.

Above the roofs of Paris: Erecting the crane using a Derrick crane
As a result of the site conditions and the great height, erecting the crane using the 200 DR 5/10 Litronic Derrick proved to be the best alternative. Heavy vehicles are not allowed in the area around the building since the pavement slabs in the pedestrian zone are not designed for these heavy loads. That meant that completing the erection process with a mobile crane could not be considered. As a result of the site conditions and the great height, erecting the crane using the 200 DR 5/10 Litronic Derrick proved to be the best alternative. Heavy vehicles are not allowed in the area around the building since the pavement slabs in the pedestrian zone are not designed for these heavy loads. That meant that completing the erection process with a mobile crane could not be considered.