Quality and sustainability
The highest quality is central to the goals of the Liebherr Group. Alongside this, protecting people and the environment is firmly rooted in our company guidelines. That is why ensuring high quality and sustainable products and processes is also a central aim for the gear technology and automation systems sector.
As a result of this, we have been certified according to standards ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) for years.

Sustainable product development
“We work systematically to always be a step ahead.”
Efficient energy usage and conserving natural resources in the production process is not only an internal aim, but also one which our clients increasingly require of us.
Therefore, we always try to reach our goals using the smallest possible number of materials. A program to generally overhaul used machines (REMAN) has been started, so we can continue to use materials even after the end of the (first) production cycle. The energy usage for operating our machines and systems is being continually optimized through the use of state of the art drive technology.

Initiative Blue Competence
We are Alliance Member of the Sustainability Initiative Blue Competence. Blue Competence is an initiative of the VDMA for promoting and communication of sustainable solutions for the Mechanical Engineering Industry. By using the trademark »Blue Competence«, we commit ourselves to these twelve Sustainability Guidelines of the Mechanical Engineering Industry.