Liebherr Kirchdorf/Oberopfingen

Products and services of Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH

Investment in research and development makes the continuous expansion of know-how and expertise possible, as well as the product portfolio. Technical sales, development, design, production and purchasing work hand in hand to meet diverse customer requirements. In order to this Liebherr is able to offer an optimal solution for the respective application. Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH no longer specialises solely in the earthmoving sector, but now also serves flexibly to diverse markets.

Employees of Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH during the installation of cylinders
Employees of Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH during the installation of cylinders

Hydraulic cylinders for mobile and stationary applications

Liebherr hydraulic cylinders are manufactured according to customers' requirements, The many years of experience are incorporated into production, as well as consulting and development. The product portfolio now ranges from cylinders for construction machines and industrial applications with high dynamic stress, to large cylinders with piston diameters up to 500 mm and a maximum stroke length of 8 metres, through to lightweight and special cylinders. In addition to the standard chrome coatings of the piston rods, a wide range of innovative coatings, for example for maritime applications, are also used.


Liebherr suspensions withstand extremely high stresses and are used particularly in applications where heavy masses have a jerky effect on the surrounding structure. The low-maintenance suspensions are designed for challenging environment and operating conditions in the mining area due to their special coatings and sealing systems.

Cylinder sensor technology

To complement its portfolio of hydraulic cylinders, Liebherr also offers a wide range of position sensors and position detection systems, as well as integrated limit and proximity switches. Some of these systems are innovative in-house developments.

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