2019 Silver Corporate Social Responsibility Rating from Ecovadis

Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG, Korneuburg (Austria)

Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG, Korneuburg (Austria)

The world's leading provider for sustainability ratings, Ecovadis, awarded Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG, Korneuburg (Austria) an overall score of 58 on its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment report in 2019.

The guidelines for the report are very strict and the score achieved not only placed us on the top 86th percentile within our industry, but it also qualified us for the Silver medal. The result of this assessment is a further recognition of our effort that we place on best practices in the four areas being evaluated – Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

“Corporate Social Responsibility has become more critical in recent years and only companies that integrate social values into their operations will succeed on a global scale. Liebherr-Transportation Systems understands that being committed to sustainable and ethical business practices is not just the right thing to do, or even the nice thing to do, it is the only way to move forward”, commented the Management.

We recognize that Corporate Social Responsibility needs to be at the center stage of business planning. The countless benefits extend well beyond the environment – CSR affects brand image, contributes to a happier and more engaged workforce, and it can even increase productivity while reducing costs.

The report from Ecovadis is only the first step towards further implementation of policies that will continuously improve the our company's environmental and social footprint - from watching waste volume, employee and customer safety, labor and human rights to anti-corruption policies.


Video - Air Cycle Technology

Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France.
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Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France. Play video
Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France.
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Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG

Liebherrstrasse 1

2100 Korneuburg


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