7 questions – 7 answers

Beatrix Walzl during our interview

Beatrix Walzl during our interview

Beatrix Walzl comes from the area around St. Pölten in Lower Austria. After successfully working with Liebherr-Transportation Systems for her diploma thesis in 2016, she graduated from the University of Technology with distinction in mechanical engineering. After spending a year in Latin America, she returned to Liebherr-Transportation Systems in May 2018. Since then, she has worked as a systems engineer in the Air Cycle development team.

  • Ms Walzl, what brought you to Liebherr?
    I saw a Liebherr-Transportation Systems poster at my university about an internship in Air Cycle Systems technology. This was sparked my interest and brought me to Korneuburg. After successfully completing my degree, I was still keen to further develop this highly interesting technology and successfully bring it to market. I also like the fact, that Liebherr combines the continuity of a family business with international opportunities and a wide range of highly innovative and sustainable solutions for society.
  • Which global changes are having the greatest impact on rethinking the use of natural refrigerants?
    Global warming, pollution and the poisoning of our environment are issues that concern us every day – in all situations. The global changes that are already apparent and the desire to enable future generations to relax on white sandy beaches and enjoy the fresh mountain air are influencing the technological developments that surround us. After all, we should act on the premise that we have not inherited this planet from our parents, but have borrowed it from our children.
  • What is your idea of a modern high-speed train and how would it be air-conditioned?
    It enables passengers to travel more comfortably and in a more environmentally friendly way, compared to short-haul flights, for example. I also imagine more freedom of movement and 21st century conveniences to help make best use of my travel time (e.g. access to Wi-Fi). Environmentally friendly operation and the design are essential for presenting a coherent overall package. This includes in particular the use of air conditioning systems that actively contribute to environmental conservation.
  • Aviation technology in trains and on rails. Is this a good match?
    Yes, because at the end of the day, it is all about movement. Who doesn’t want to be accompanied by environmentally friendly and proven technology while travelling by train?
  • What do you say to sceptics and critics of Air Cycle technology?
    Rethinking is needed here. It is a technology with a different framework to previous, conventional systems. The systems are therefore difficult to compare. Field studies clearly show the advantages of Air Cycle technology – freely adjustable control in partial load operation for high comfort in the cars, ease of maintenance, high availability and environmental friendliness. Exploiting these advantages requires precisely this rethinking – not only for the use of advanced technology in general, but also in the design of the fundamental framework.
  • What hurdles does Air Cycle Systems technology still have to overcome in order to survive in the rail vehicle market?
    Many more successful kilometres on the track to completely convince our customers that it is definitely worth making the leap from conventional systems to air cycle systems.
  • What should the Air Cycle Systems technology ultimately stand for?
    A high degree of comfort, high availability, easy maintenance and an active contribution to environmentally friendly travel - green technology for green mobility - this is the future of travel.

Ms Walzl, thank you very much for the interview.


Video - Air Cycle Technology

Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France.
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Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France. Play video
Liebherr develops, tests, certifies, manufactures and services air cycle technology which has already proven its worth for many years in ICE-trains in Germany and a TER train from SNCF in Southern France.
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Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG

Liebherrstrasse 1

2100 Korneuburg


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