Interview with our Quality Manager,
Mr. Peter Gu


Mr. Peter Gu, Quality Manager, with Quality Engineer, Ms. Diana Zhao 质量总监顾学平与质量工程师赵鲜婉

Mr. Peter Gu, Quality Manager, with Quality Engineer, Ms. Diana Zhao


Mr. Peter Gu, Quality Manager, with Quality Engineer, Ms. Diana Zhao

  • Peter, you are in charge of quality management at Liebherr- Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd. - what does certification mean for your company?
    Peter, 你作为利勃海尔运输系统的质量管理体系负责人,认证对公司为何如此重要?

There are three main certifications in the railway industry that are key for a company and its processes: For the quality management system, welding control system as well as bonding control system. To obtain a certification, the establishment of the quality management system is the first step.


As the saying goes, a two-pronged approach can yield twice the result with half the effort. On the one hand, we have organized quality systems training and prepared the necessary quality procedure and records. On the other hand, our team has already started research and development work for several projects.


With our speedy and efficient team cooperation and preparation, we are very proud to have obtained the IRIS certification as well as the certification according to ISO 9001. Making this happen is a big responsibility for everyone involved.


  • How does it feel to be a member of the Liebherr Team?

With pleasure I joined the skillful Liebherr-Transportation Systems team. Although or because our team is cross cultural with different views and approaches, our team spirit is strong and we all take the responsibility to realize our goals. I feel a sense of belonging that I have never had before. I enjoy every minute of being a team member and share our successes and happiness..


  • Liebherr-Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd. was officially opened in Pinghu in August 2020. What challenges and opportunities do you see for the company and its customers?

The establishment of the company in Pinghu means for our customers that they have a new business partner in China that has a strong link towards the export market and that offers new technologies for the railway industry. No doubt: This will also trigger more competition and innovation within our industry. The advanced technology with sound quality, which we deliver, will further support our solid relationship with our customers.


  • Homologation of products and certification of production is quite a task in the Chinese railway industry. How can these milestones be achieved?

Based on the collaboration of the team members progress is very fast. We are glad that customers in both China and other countries have shown their interest to visit our company and see the facilities we have built and the standardized systems that we implemented. We are at any time ready for their inspection. Here, in Pinghu, we will confirm our status as a qualified and solid partner of the international rolling stock industry.


  • What do you wish for the Chinese railway industry and for your personal future?

With regard to the railway industry, I believe with the efforts of our experienced and hardworking colleagues, we are entering into the market successfully.

Liebherr delivers to its customers high quality products from different sites around the world. Superior engineering services and the experience of a company being active for an already long time in the railway sector worldwide – for the benefit of our customers - will support our course. From my point of view, we will become a benchmark of the industry in China. Personally, I have a chance to develop my skills and achieve management experience. This will further enrich my personal capacity to demonstrate within my responsibility best in class product quality for our customers.


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Contacts / 联系方式

Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd.

No. 1638, Xingping Si Road

Pinghu Economic-Technology Development Zone

314200, Pinghu, Zhejiang Province

P.R. China

Successful IRIS Certification


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