Liebherr cockpit static inverter for Airbus A320 and A330 families

Cockpit static inverter

Cockpit static inverter

Cockpit static inverter

Liebherr-Aerospace has been commissioned by Airbus to supply the cockpit static inverter for the Airbus A320 and A330 families. The agreement marks a historic milestone for the company: It is the first contract in the segment of aircraft systems ATA Chapter 24 - Electrical Systems - and opens Liebherr the door to deploy its know-how and latest stand-alone power electronics technologies in this high potential business sector.

Liebherr-Aerospace’s cockpit static inverter will replace the current version. It offers a more reliable, lightweight, fully digital solution and is based on wide band-gap technology together with enhanced connection functions.

Two Liebherr companies have developed the cockpit static inverter: Liebherr-Elektronik GmbH, based in Lindau (Germany), Liebherr’s center of excellence for electronics and a major player in its field, is responsible for all activities regarding the hardware, including production, and Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Liebherr’s center of excellence for air management systems in Toulouse (France), provides the inverter’s software. Both companies have vast experience in power electronics and joined forces to offer Airbus the latest technology.

Airbus and Liebherr have been cooperating since the very beginnings of Airbus. Every civil Airbus aircraft model flies with Liebherr technology on board. Now, Liebherr adds stand-alone power electronics to its already broad systems and components portfolio, and is looking forward to further expanding its collaboration with Airbus in Power-on-Board technologies.


Video: Onboard Electronics

Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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We offer power electronics to move something, and signal electronics to control something. Find out more about our electronics capabilities and activities. Play video
Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS

408, avenue des Etats-Unis

31016 Toulouse Cedex 2


Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH

Peter-Dornier-Straße 11

88131 Lindau


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