New generation E-Controller for aerospace applications

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH based in Germany and Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS in France, together with Liebherr-Elektronik GmbH, Lindau (Germany), are developing the new generation of a high performance electronic control computer.

The development provides features for different aircraft systems supported by Liebherr, covering air management systems, flight control systems, landing gear systems as well as Standalone Electronics.

Therefore, the different architectures support the safety assurance levels up to DAL A, as well as features for the different architectures, such as duplex/triplex/quadruplex within different aircraft applications.

The major focus of the new generation electronic control computer is based on:

  • High performance multi core processor and utilization of the multicore processors capabilities for safety critical applications
  • Latest CPU generation with increased availability to reduce obsolescence risks
  • High speed avionic data bus interfaces
  • A653 compliant real time operating system
  • High performance and large storage devices
  • Electronic architecture supporting future growth potential
  • Fully integrated toolchain for configuration and software module integration
  • Mechanical design features to cover increased environmental requirements and thermal management aspects
  • Coverage of logistics for the life cycle management

The new generation, high performance electronic control computer technology developed by Liebherr is expected to reach Technical Readiness Level 6 and thus flight-maturity already in 2022.


Video: Onboard Electronics

Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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We offer power electronics to move something, and signal electronics to control something. Find out more about our electronics capabilities and activities. Play video
Liebherr-Aerospace displayed its latest electronic technologies and capabilities enabling manufacturers to build the aircraft of tomorrow at AEE 2018.
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Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH

Pfänderstraße 50-52

88161 Lindenberg/Allgäu


Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS

408, avenue des Etats-Unis

31016 Toulouse Cedex 2


Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH

Peter-Dornier-Straße 11

88131 Lindau


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