CRJ 700/900/1000 Leak Finder Solution is launched!

Leak Finder highlighting a leak location on the system

Leak Finder highlighting a leak location on the system

Leak Finder highlighting a leak location on the system

We are pleased to offer all CRJ operators our Leak Finder Solution for the Bleed Leak Detection System (BLDS). Leak Finder is a web-based solution enabling instant and accurate localization of the leak on bleed detection loops.

Simply fed by the Anti-Ice and Leak Controller (AILC) parameters, Leak Finder instantly displays the localization of the leak throughout a user-friendly and intuitive 3D interface. The localization is accurate up to 45 cm (18 inches) and the display adds AMM tasks references alongside to it, allowing loop removal and aircraft access door identification.

Global bleed leak maintenance is 1.5 times shorter with Leak Finder, representing 33 % time saving and even more depending on technician experience. It eliminates completely the need of Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) consultation while significantly reducing aircraft access and troubleshooting times.

Leak Finder is field proven with an Early Adopters Program and the efficiency has been confirmed with positive in-service feedbacks. 4 early adopters have contributed to the program on 3 CRJ platforms i.e. 700/900/100, for a total period up to 8 months.

Leak Finder solution is delivered through the Liebherr Service Platform and comes with a 15-minute e-learning on the Liebherr Group-training platform, allowing users to learn by themselves, at any time and place.

Please contact your local sales representative to learn more about Leak Finder.

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Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS

408 avenue des Etats-Unis

31016 Toulouse Cedex 2



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