Customers - Trust Rating Survey Confirms Overall Satisfaction

At the end of 2019 Liebherr-Aerospace has launched its Customer Trust Rating survey for the sixth consecutive year.

The Customer Trust Rating survey aims at measuring the satisfaction of our customers on a regular basis: it is addressed to a panel of more than 2,000 recipients around the world, including airlines, MRO organizations and brokers. The questionnaire is available in five languages to facilitate the customer’s response, thus reflecting the proximity created with our overall network.

The survey is a great opportunity to receive feedback on our product support solutions and services we continuously adjust to meet the expectations and requirements in term of aftermarket and it monitors the grade of success of our initiatives.

Covering the topicsMaterial Support and Services Performance, Engineering Support and Technical Performance, as well as Overall Contact andCommunication, we are glad to see that the rate of satisfied customers increase continuously year-by-year. This development is particularly visible in China.

Overall Satisfaction score

Overall Satisfaction score

Overall Satisfaction score

In the 2019 survey, we appreciate very much the increase of the number of respondents, whether they use our services or not. The results confirm our good position on the market.

We acknowledged a slight decrease in satisfaction level given the number of respondents who do not use all our services yet. But we can also notice a stable rate of very satisfied customers at around 40%, which shows a good image of our services on the market (the average benchmark in the industry being around 20%).

We thank all our customers for their renewed confidence in our product and service solutions.

We are also going to implement actions plans for the room of improvement we identified in order to maintain the high level of trust and confidence in our long-term partnerships.


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Liebherr-Aerospace receives award from SR Technics

Video: Liebherr-Aerospace Regional Technical Workshops

Liebherr-Aerospace organizes annually interactive Regional Technical Workshops providing its customers the perfect platform to share their experiences and to learn about how they can optimize their MRO activities with the latest innovations made by Liebherr.
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Liebherr-Aerospace organizes annually interactive Regional Technical Workshops providing its customers the perfect platform to share their experiences and to learn about how they can optimize their MRO activities with the latest innovations made by Liebherr. Play video
Liebherr-Aerospace organizes annually interactive Regional Technical Workshops providing its customers the perfect platform to share their experiences and to learn about how they can optimize their MRO activities with the latest innovations made by Liebherr.
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Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS

408 avenue des Etats-Unis

31016 Toulouse Cedex 2


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