Consolidated Financial Statements

Assets in m €

31/12/2020 % 31/12/2019 %
Intangible assets 37 0.3 42 0.3
Tangible assets 3,567 25.9 3,798 26.6
Shares at equity 12 0.1 13 0.1
Non-current financial assets 159 1.2 196 1.4
Deferred tax assets 236 1.7 323 2.2
Non-current assets

4,011 29.2 4,372 30.6
Inventories 4,099 29.8 4,425 31.0
Receivables 2,086 15.2 2,283 16.0
Income tax receivables 77 0.6 103 0.7
Current financial assets 1,424 10.4 1,377 9.6
Liquid funds 2,036 14.8 1,728 12.1
Current assets

9,722 70.8 9,916 69.4
Total Assets

13,733 100.0 14,288 100.0
Equity and Liabilities in m €

31/12/2020 % 31/12/2019 %
Subscribed capital 62 0.5 62 0.4
Revenue reserves 7,706 56.1 7,807 54.6
Equity of Liebherr-International AG shareholders

7,768 56.6 7,869 55.0
Non-controlling interests 16 0.1 15 0.1

7,784 56.7 7,884 55.1
Non-current financial liabilities 1,376 10.0 1,364 9.6
Post-employment benefits 1,013 7.4 966 6.8
Deferred tax liabilities 60 0.4 45 0.3
Non-current provisions 46 0.3 40 0.3
Other non-current liabilities 82 0.6 76 0.5
Non-current liabilities

2,577 18.7 2,491 17.5
Current financial liabilities 921 6.7 1,162 8.1
Payments received in advance 283 2.1 346 2.4
Income tax liabilities 112 0.8 103 0.7
Current provisions 643 4.7 608 4.3
Other current liabilities 1,413 10.3 1,694 11.9
Current liabilities

3,372 24.6 3,913 27.4
Total equity and liabilities

13,733 100.0 14,288 100.0
Consolidated Balance Sheet
in m € 31/12/2020 % 31/12/2019 %
Sales revenue 10,341 95.2 11,750 95.3
Increase or decrease of work in progress and finished goods -155 -1.4 7 0.1
Other own work capitalised 329 3.0 312 2.5
Other operating income 344 3.2 257 2.1
Operating income 10,859 100.0 12,326 100.0
Cost of materials -5,452 -50.2 - 6,299 - 51.1
Personnel expenses -2,847 -26.2 - 2,980 - 24.2
Depreciation on non-current assets -543 -5.0 - 541 - 4.4
Other operating expenses -1,601 -14.7 - 1,903 - 15.4
Operating expenses -10,443 -96.1 - 11,723 - 95.1
Operating result 416 3.9 603 4.9
Finance income 617 5.7 603 4.9
Finance cost -755 -7.0 - 458 - 3.7
At equity result 0 0.0 0 0.0
Finance result -138 -1.3 145 1.2
Result before tax 278 2.6 748 6.1
Taxes on income -271 -2.5 - 319 - 2.6
Result after tax 7 0.1 429 3.5
of which shareholders of Liebherr-International AG 7 0.1 429 3.5
of which non-controlling interests 0 0.0 0 0.0
Consolidated Income Statement
in m € 31/12/2020 31/12/2019
Result after tax 7 429
Post-employment benefits -6 - 148
Deferred tax -34 31
Items not recycled to profit or loss -40 - 117
Foreign exchange translation differences -104 40
Changes of fair value in cash flow hedges 74 - 21
Deferred tax -13 7
Items recycled to profit or loss -43 26
Other comprehensive income -83 - 91
Comprehensive income -76 338
of which shareholders of Liebherr-International AG -76 338
of which non-controlling interests 0 0
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
in m €

Value fluctuations on financial instruments Foreign exchange translation differences Other revenue reserve Equity of Liebherr-International AG shareholders Non-controlling interests Group equity
31/12/2018 62 6 0 7,485 7,553 17 7,570
Result after tax       429 429 0 429
Other comprehensive income   - 14 40 - 117 - 91 0 - 91
Comprehensive income -14 40 312 338 0 338
Dividends       - 22 - 22 - 2 - 24
Changes in shares of non-controlling interests       0 0 0 0
31/12/2019 62 - 8 40 7,775 7,869 15 7,884
Result after tax       7 7 0 7
Other comprehensive income   61 -104 -40 -83 0 -83
Comprehensive income 61 -104 -33 -76 0 -76
Dividends       -24 -24 0 -24
Changes in shares of non-controlling interests       -1 -1 1 0
31/12/2020 62 53 -64 7,717 7,768 16 7,784
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
in m € 31/12/2020 31/12/2019
Result after tax 7 429
Depreciation on non-current assets 543 541
Value fluctuations marketable securities (current assets) 7 - 121
Gain / Loss on disposal of non-current assets 2 1
Change of provisions and post-employment benefits 88 55
Other non-liquid expenses / income 190 - 16
Change of stock 195 110
Change of receivables and other current assets 227 24
Change of other liabilities -289 - 31
Change of rental fleet

-122 - 19
Net cash flow from operating activities

848 973
Payment for investments in intangible assets -10 - 33
Payment for investments in tangible assets -250 - 402
Payment for investments in marketable securities in current assets -112 - 103
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 0 1
Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 14 23
Proceeds from sales of marketable securities (current assets) 58 90
Other proceeds from investing activities

15 0
Net cash flow from investing activities

-285 - 424
Dividends paid, other distributions and equity capital repaid -24 - 24
Proceeds from current or non-current financial liabilities 438 400
Repayment of current or non-current financial liabilities -643 - 442
Change non-controlling interests

1 0
Net cash flow from financing activities

-228 - 66
Net decrease / increase in liquid funds

335 483
Foreign exchange translation difference on liquid funds at beginning of period and on cash flows -27 6
Liquid funds at beginning of period

1,728 1,239
Liquid funds at end of period

2,036 1,728
Income tax paid and reimbursed -184 - 322
Interest paid -32 -38
Interest received 27 56
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Here you can access the Annual Report 2020 as a PDF file and also download “Facts and Figures” as a concise summary.

Facts and Figures 2020
Facts and Figures 2020 (PDF, 2.5 MB)