Preparing apprentices for work in the international arena

Preparing apprentices for work in the international arena
Preparing apprentices for work in the international arena
Preparing apprentices for work in the international arena
The opportunity to gain experience abroad and work in Europe, the USA or Asia has been an integral part of training at Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH since 2000. After a temporary interruption due to Corona, the program is once again enjoying great popularity. The young people taking part in the assignment not only experience enriching stays abroad but are also well-prepared for international service assignments.
Many of our prospective industrial mechanics, electronics technicians, industrial management assistants and technical product designers at Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH take the opportunity to experience life, and culture in other countries and gain their first international professional experience. These assignments abroad, which are for three to four weeks and can be taken in the second or third year of training, are firmly anchored in the curriculum of the largest regional training company. They take place at Liebherr locations in the USA, China and India, in Norway in cooperation with a partner school and, more recently, also in Great Britain and Ireland. The program is very popular: “We have always had more applications than places,” says Matthias Fendt, Head of Training. Then came Corona – and the exchange came to a temporary standstill.

Colorful freight: goods delivery in India
High demand among trainees
However, the team of instructors quickly succeeded in reactivating its strong international network. Demand just after Corona was slow but soon increased as word spread among the trainees. “The absolute best form of advertising for this program is the experience report, which is traditionally presented in English to management, the instructors and the trainees in November,” explains Fendt. Participation in the foreign assignments is not a matter of course, he emphasizes: “Everyone has to apply with a motivation letter specifying their desired country.” This wish is considered where possible – the USA, China and India are all equally popular with trainees. Language is of utmost importance and is firmly integrated into the training as subject-specific and job-related English lessons.
Everyday working life in other cultures
The trainees are then deployed in Liebherr branches and are sent to accompany service technicians; in Norway they attend the local school and work in partner organizations. They participate in the work processes on-site, have the opportunity to deepen their specialist knowledge, and can also contribute and apply their own knowledge. For example, two trainees now back in Kempten have described their experiences assembling a plastic chain conveyor at the Yongchuan plant.
The young people are accommodated locally, either in hotels or in holiday apartments. They can then spend their free time getting to know the country and the culture. The participants organize the activities themselves, and by the employees in the various branches and partner schools. There is always a contact person on site – even at weekends – who is in close contact with Kempten. The company also actively supports the trainees with travel formalities such as obtaining visas.

An enriching experience for both sides: Trainees in Bangalore, India
Linguistic and intercultural skills
The time the trainees spend abroad is enriching – both personally and professionally. The company itself and its customers also benefit from the program: “As an international company, we deploy our service technicians worldwide. Our trainees’ stays abroad are the best preparation for this – from developing their skills to getting involved in new things, to expanding their language skills and gaining a new perspective when getting to know other cultures,” says Fendt, summarizing the benefits.