Principles of data processing at Liebherr (obligations to inform)

A. General

I. What does this Data Privacy Statement regulate?

We attach the utmost importance to the protection and security of your personal data. It is therefore very important for us to inform you what personal data we use for what purpose and what rights you have in respect to your personal data.

II. What is personal data and what does processing mean?

1. “Personal data” (also referred to as “data” below) is all information that reveals something about a natural person. Personal data is not only information that allows a direct conclusion about a certain person (for example the name or email address of a person), but also information with which a reference or relation to a certain person can be established with corresponding additional knowledge.

2. “Processing” denotes any measures that are carried out with your personal data (for instance the collection, logging, organisation, classification, storage, use or erasure of data).

B. Data processing

I. Who is responsible for processing my data?

The responsible body for processing your data is Liebherr-Hydraulikbagger GmbH, Liebherrstraße 12, 88457 Kirchdorf an der Iller, contact: [email protected], Tel.: +49 7354 80-0

II. What data do we collect and for what purposes?

We collect the following data from you (data categories):

1. Name
2. Address
3. Email address
4. Phone number
5. Selected driver package
6. Fabricated size
7. Dealer
8. Customer
9. Machine
10. Serial number of the machine

As a rule, we only process this data for the following purposes:

1. Sending of advertising gifts (data categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

2. Information on offers, products and services of the Company Group Liebherr by post , phone and/or email or communication for this purpose to other third party Liebherr partners (data categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Data processing for other purposes will only be considered if the legal regulations necessary to this extent pursuant to Art. 6 Paragraph 4 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are extant. We shall, of course, observe any obligations to inform pursuant to Art. 13 Paragraph 3 GDPR and Art. 14 Paragraph 4 GDPR in such case.

III. On what legal basis do we collect your data?

The legal basis for processing your data is basically – unless there are specific legal regulations – Art. 6 GDPR.

Your data will be processed based on the following legal principles(s):

Consent (Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a) GDPR) (applies for all purposes)

If we have processed your data based on a consent from you, you have the right to withdraw the consent from us at any time with future effect.

We shall only process your data to the extent that this is necessary for fulfilment of the above purposes.

IV. To whom and for what purpose do we communicate your data and in which categories?

If applicable, we communicate your data to:

Our service providers and other companies within the Liebherr Group employed by us to achieve the above purposes; (all data categories)

V. Is my data processed outside the European Union?

A data transfer to states outside the European Union (so-called third states) is only permissible, (1) insofar as you have given your consent or (2) insofar as the European Commission has decided that a reasonable level of protection exists in a third state (Art. 45 DDPR). If the Commission has not made any such decision, we may only communicate your data to third parties who are located in a third country insofar as suitable guarantees are extant (e.g. standard data privacy clauses that have been accepted by the Commission or the regulatory authorities in a definite procedure) and the assertion of your rights as an affected party are ensured.

VI. When do we delete or anonymise your data?

We shall process your data as long as this is necessary for the respective purpose or until you have effectively revoked your consent.

Insofar as statutory retention obligations exist – e.g in commercial law or tax law – we shall have to save the data in question for the duration of the retention period. After expiry of the retention obligation, we shall examine whether a further necessity for the processing exists. If the necessity is no longer extant, your data will be deleted.

VII. To what extent do individual cases involve automated decision making?

Pursuant to Article 22 GDPR, we do not as a rule use any fully automated decision making for substantiation and execution of the business relationship.

C. How is my personal data protected against access by unauthorised parties and loss?

We utilise technical and organisational measures in order to ensure that your data is protected against incorrect changes or unauthorised access by third parties. In all cases, we shall also ensure that only authorised persons have access to your data and that such access is only to the extent necessary within the framework of the above purposes. All data is transferred in encrypted form.

D. Rights of affected parties and right of appeal

The framework of the law gives you the right to

1. Information about your data.

2. Correction of incorrect data and completion of incomplete data.

3. Erasure of your data, in particular if (1) this is no longer necessary for the purposes indicated in this Data Privacy Statement, (2) you revoke your consent and another legal basis for the processing is absent, (3) your data has been processed unlawfully or (4) you have objected to the processing and no overriding justified reasons for the processing exist.

4. Restriction of the processing of your data, in particular if the correctness of the data is disputed by you or the processing of your data is unlawful and you demand restriction of the use instead of erasure.

5. Acquisition of your data in a structured, current and machine-readable format and the right for your data to be communicated directly from us to another responsible party.

Please note that the legitimacy of the processing carried out based on the consent until revocation will remain unaffected by your revocation.

If the above rights are asserted without the written form, we kindly draw your attention to the fact that we might have to demand validation proving that you are the person you claim to be.

You are also entitled to a right of appeal to the responsible regulatory authority.

E. Who is my contact in matters of data privacy and how can I contact them?

If you have any questions regarding data privacy please contact:

Liebherr-IT Services GmbH
St. Vitus 1
88457 Kirchdorf an der Iller

Version: September 2018