Liebherr well represented at this year’s Embraer Operators Conference

Represented Liebherr at this year’s EOC: Jon Sutton, Audrey Duranteau, Alex Vlielander and Kevin Monticello (from left to right)

Represented Liebherr at this year’s EOC: Jon Sutton, Audrey Duranteau, Alex Vlielander and Kevin Monticello (from left to right)

Represented Liebherr at this year’s EOC: Jon Sutton, Audrey Duranteau, Alex Vlielander and Kevin Monticello (from left to right)

After a two-year absence, the 2022 Embraer Operators Conference (EOC) and Maintenance Cost Workshop (MCW) was reinstated as a personal attendance event that was held in Lisbon (Portugal) from 24-27 October. It is an important event in the Embraer calendar giving customers an opportunity to network and interact with the OEM, suppliers and each other. It was also conducted as a hybrid event enabling both face-to-face and online attendance.

The EOC combined both E-Jet E1 and E2 programs that constitute a total of 70 airlines, 30 lessors and 1,790 in-service aircraft. There was a good participation with 150 customers, 130 Embraer employees and 70 suppliers’ representatives in attendance, which was bolstered further by 100+ online participants. As a Silver Sponsor, Liebherr-Aerospace was represented by Alex Vlielander, Chief Customer Officer, Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS, Jon Sutton, Product Support Manager, Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg, Audrey Duranteau, Product Support Manager, Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse and Kevin Monticello, Field Service Representative, Liebherr Aerospace Saline. The presentation subject matter was selected in advance by the customer base, with only one Embraer E-Jet E1 topic for the landing gear system and one for the E-Jet E2 high-lift system being presented.

Liebherr was once again given the opportunity to present E-Jet-E1 landing gear system issues during the MCW. The emphasis of this year's presentation was placed on overhaul forecast, capacity, planning and material availability. These subjects generated many questions and discussion from workshop participants and some customers also voiced their concern at the overhaul pricing policy going forward as a result of the effects of supply chain price increases and hyperinflation.

Although not planned, several customer side meetings were also held during the course of the event.


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Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS

408 avenue des Etats-Unis

31016 Toulouse Cedex 2


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